TN Dental Hygienists for Progress

HYPAC is a separate entity from ADHA/TNDHA in that all funds associated with HYPAC is completely independent from ADHA.  The Tennessee Dental Hygienists Association operates under the umbrella of ADHA through a tripartite structure and as such has its own HYPAC (Hygienists for Progress) that operates under the dictates of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and Tennessee state laws.

Tennessee’s ‘Hygienists for Progress’ is a non-partisan group of politically active dental hygienists who are dedicated to representing the professional interest of Dental Hygienists in Tennessee and the communities they serve.  The committee enables dental hygienists to interact with and financially support political candidates who support the mission and goals of the Dental Hygiene profession in Tennessee.

The HYPAC’s mission is to ensure the standards of oral health care, protect the integrity of the dental hygiene profession, provide a stronger voice for oral healthcare concerns, and promote continued professional growth.


Q. What is HYPAC

The Hygienists’ Political Action Committee (HYPAC) is a group of dental hygienists and citizens that contribute to the campaigns of candidates for state legislative offices that support the oral health care of the patients that dental hygienists serve.

Q. How does HYPAC benefit me?

HYPAC is the only state political action committee that represents the interests of the profession of dental hygiene, ensuring that candidates are aware of the role of the dental hygienist on the dental team and the impact the profession has on the delivery of care.

Q. How does HYPAC determine which candidates receive contributions?

The HYPAC committee, with advice from the TNDHA lobbyist, looks at the number of criteria when considering candidates for state office:  policy positions, demonstrated leadership on issues of importance to TNDHA, committee placement and dedication to improving access to oral health care.  The committee is open to suggestions from TNDHA members about candidate HYPAC may be interested in supporting.